Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A True Story For Frugal Living

As we know, "A True Story For Frugal Living" can be much more interesting than just a list of frugal money saving tips. I believe the story should provide inspiration and motivation for everyone, whether it be heartwarming, rewarding, sad, or painful sacrifice . Of course, every simple living frugal story will not apply to everyone, because we know that no two story is the same. But most important, it should give insight on how to adapt, improvise, and overcome any financial difficulty. I believe that by mastering this frugal living ideas is the key to balance life and financial survival.

I think the current recession suffer from depletion of free money. In that said, we have max out beyond our spending limit in credit cards plus easy mortgage loan for new home. Then follow by soaring fuel cost that tips the budget of each home owner into negative cash flow. Thus, we have little or no money to spend, because bigger part of our budget is spend to cover the effect of rising fuel cost. The massive domino effect across the country, less revenue for every company, fewer hours for employee, follow by massive layoff and record foreclosure.

Would you believe a monthly electric bill have reached almost half the cost of monthly mortgage payment? Yes, it did happen, and that hurt. The is one of my true story you will read about.

If you have "A True Story For Frugal Living," and you want to share with other readers for inspiration and motivation. Please contact me and type in subject heading "A True Story For Frugal Living" - this is important so I know it is not a junk mail I am getting everyday.

The wisdom of The Great Depression, "sacrifice and choose wisely."

Frugal living,


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